Q: How will my order be shipped?
For very large orders, orders ship shipped via UPS or a common carrier. Shipping and handling charges will be added to your order. Once your online order has, you will receive a shipping confirmation email.
Q: When will my UPS order be shipped?
Orders placed on our website typically ship within three business days, Monday through Friday, year-round excluding holidays, regardless of the shipping method chosen. Orders received on a Friday or weekend will usually ship on a Tuesday or Wednesday. Choosing expedited service (UPS Next Day, UPS Second Day, or UPS 3rd Day) may reduce the time your order takes in transit.
Q: What should I do if I receive a damaged product?
Heaterk offers an industry-unique "No Damage" guarantee. We ensure that our products are overpacked to withstand normal shipping handling. If you receive a damaged product, please take a picture of the damage and notify us of the problem within 5 days of receiving your order using "After Sales Service Request". We will replace any damaged product free of charge.
To receive a free replacement product, all damage must be reported via our website with a photo within 5 days of the carrier delivery date. If we have not been notified of the damage within the specified time frame, we reserve the right to waive the option to send you a free replacement.
Q: How often are items returned and how do I know if an item I purchased has been returned?
Backorders are rare, but if a requested item is back-ordered, we will contact our customer via email as soon as possible. We cannot necessarily guarantee any shipping date by then, but we will do our best to give you an accurate estimated date of arrival.
If we do not hear back from you within 24 hours, we will ship all items we have on hand and return the order for any remaining items. Backorders will be shipped automatically once the product arrives at our warehouse.
Q: Can I cancel my order?
Orders can only be canceled within one business hour of submission. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9 am-4 pm EST. Just use the “Start a Support Ticket” link and provide us with your order number. We will cancel your order and refund your card.
Q: What if an order cannot be delivered and is returned to your warehouse?
Orders deemed undeliverable by UPS and common carriers will be returned to us. Once the package arrives at our facility, we will begin processing returns and refunds deducting a 30% restocking fee and return shipping. If you wish to reship, please submit a new order.
Undeliverable orders include incorrect shipping addresses, delivery without the recipient (if a signature is required), and refused delivery.
Q: Who is responsible for paying duties, taxes, and customs charges?
Unless expressly stated otherwise in a quotation or invoice, purchase prices exclude taxes, customs import or export charges, and duties.
Q: What if my tracking information shows that my package was delivered but I didn't receive it?
If your tracking information shows that your package was delivered but you can't find it:
The carrier may, at their sole discretion, place the shipment in a secure location, so be sure to check areas such as front porches, side doors, back porches, or near the garage. Look for notifications about delivery attempts.
If you still cannot find your package, you must notify us within 5 days of the carrier delivery date so we can begin tracking and shipping your replacement product using UPS.
Disclaimer: If we have not been notified of a lost package within the specified time frame, we reserve the right to waive the option to send you a replacement for free.